Tactics Vs Strategy

Nate Morse

I was on a call with a friend yesterday.

Since our last call, they hired a person to help with LinkedIn.

At first, it was great.

The person swiftly executed on the tasks that were given.

They had a great attitude.

Since they were from another country, they were also really cheap.

However, my friend ended up spending more time than he wanted to leading the whole thing.

So I asked him a question.

“How long do you plan on having this business?”

“Well, this is what I plan on doing for quite a while” he replied.

I see this a lot.

Businesses that are boot-strapped, tend to “tack on tactics” as I like to say.

Trying individual things to see how well they work.

Which is great, I am all for testing.

Doing things without a long-term plan hurts success and makes the business owner realize they need a strategy.

Tactics alone is similar to building a house of cards.

Relying on specific trends to hold up.

I proceeded to tell him that for sustained success, especially when relying on external help, you need a strategic foundation.

I get a lot of people who want me to help them with executing a specific tactic.

To really help them become an authority in their market, develop predictability, and more effectiveness, I always recommend working from a deeper strategy to compete long-term.

Strategy, instead of a house of cards, is more like a skyscraper.

It has a much deeper foundation.

Now, instead of relying on tactics, we have a strategy that we can swap out tactics in.

This is how you “protect” your success.

“Perfect 50 Leads”, launches in a few days.

Would love to help you develop your unique strategy.

2 days left.

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